Change the thumbnail size of photos in XP without any software

Wanna change the thumbnail view size of your photos in XP .. !! This can be done by a simple registry trick without any software.

Follow the steps here to change the size :

+ Open run -> regedit

+ In registry navigate to :

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ Software\ Microsoft \ Windows\ CurrentVersion\ Explorer

+ In the right side box, right click -> new -> DWORD Value

+ Give it the name ThumbnailSize

+ Right click on ThumbnailSize and click modify.

+ Now change the value data to any number between 20 to 100 (in hexadecimal) or between 32 to 256 (in decimal).

Done .. !! Your thumbnail size will change as your desired size.

Normal thumbnail view size :

When value is changed to 32(in decimal) :

When value is changed to 144(in decimal) :

When value is changed to 256(in decimal) :

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