Auto delete temporary folder in windows

Generally in our systems,many temporary files are created which are useless and occupies much space in the hard disk.Many of us do not delete the temporary files which causes the system to slow up and eats up the space in hard disk.

Actually we can delete the temporary files manually by typing %temp% in run and delete all the files in the folder.But these temporary files can be deleted automatically whenever it is created in xp.

Follow the steps :

+Go to run and type gpedit.msc

+Navigate through :

Computer Configuration/Administrative Templates/WindowsComponents/Terminal Services/Temporary Folder

+Then right click "Do Not Delete Temp Folder Upon Exit" and go to properties and hit disable.

Now from next time when Windows puts a temp file in that folder it will be automatically deleted when it is created.

Share your experiences here in the comments after performing this cool trick.

XP hacks - Click here to see all the XP hacks

Change the icon of removable disk..

The removable disk has a default look.This default look of the removable drives can be changed by a simple trick.Follow the steps to change the icon ..

+ Select your favourite picture which u want to set for the icon of removable disk.

+ Save the selected image as anyname.ico (How to do is open the picture in mspaint. and save as anyname.ico).Make sure that selected image is small.
(OR) You can download any icon and name it.

+ Open note pad and copy the following code.


+ Here label indicates the name of ur removable disk and icon indiactes the name of your icon.

+ Now save is notepad file as autorun.inf.

+ Copy both files (autorun.inf and Icon file) to your removable drive. You can make both files as hidden.

Now unplug the drive and connect it back to USB and now you can see the icon of your removable disk.Thats it!!

NOTE : The name of the icon you created and the name in the 3rd line of code must be same.

You can also set the background picture for your removable disk.This trick is explained in my previous article "Set background picture for any drive in windows".

Share your experiences in the comments ...

XP hacks - Click here to see all the xp hacks

Open or close cd/dvd drive with a single click in xp

The CD/DVD drive in windows can be ejected or closed with a single click in Windows XP by performing a simple trick.

To open the cd/dvd drive.. follow the steps :

+ Open notepad and copy the following code in it :

Set oWMP = createObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If

+ Now save this file as anyname.vbs

+ When you click it, the disk drive will be opened.

To close the cd/dvd drive .. follow the steps :

Set oWMP = createObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7" )
Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection
if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then
For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1
Next ' cdrom
End If

+ Now save this file as anyname.vbs

+ When you click it,the disk drive will be closed.

Share your experiences in comments after performing this cool hack.

XP hacks - Click here to see all the XP hacks

550+ Keyboard shortcuts for Adobe Photoshop CS4

Adobe Photoshop CS4 packs a ton of fresh features and an updated interface, which alone make it a worthy upgrade for existing users.One of the Photoshop's strengths is that it makes extensive use of keyboard shortcuts.

+ Keys for selecting tools :
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+ Keys for selecting tools in extract toolbar :
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+ Keys for selecting tools in liquify toolbox :
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+ Keys for working with extract,liquify and pattern maker :
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+ Keys for using filter gallery :
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+ Keys for using the refine edge dialog box :
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+ Keys for using the black and white dialog box
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+ Keys for using camera raw dialog box :
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+ Context menu :
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+ Keys for using the curves dialog box :
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+ Keys for using vanishing point :
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+ Keys for working with blending modes :
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+ Keys for viewing images :
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+ Keys for selecting and moving objects :
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+ Keys for editing paths :
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+ Keys for painting objects :
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+ Keys for transforming selections,selection borders and paths :
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+ Keys for selecting,editing and navigating through text :
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+ Keys for formatting types :
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+ Keys for slicing and optimizing :
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+ Keys for using panels :
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+ Keys for action panels :
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+ Keys for using the adjustment panels :
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+ Keys for using the animation panel :
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+ Keys for using animation panel in Timeline mode :
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+ Keys for using the clone source :
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+ Keys for using the brushes panel :
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+ Keys for using the channels panel :
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+ Keys for using the color panel :
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+ Keys for using the history panel :
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+ Keys for using the info panels :
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+ Keys for using layer comps panel :
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+ Keys for using the layers panel :
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+ Keys for using the paths panel :
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+ Keys for using the swatches panel :
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+ Keys for using measurement :
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+ Keys for using the 3D tools :
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+ Keys for working with DICOM files :
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+ Function keys :
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Photoshop tutorials - Click here to see all the photoshop tutorials

Set background picture for any drive in windows without any software

Generally, many of us use third party softwares to set background picture for any drive.But this can be done with a simple code without using any software in windows.

Perform the following steps ..

+ Open notepad and copy the following code :


+ Here, the path in the 2nd line of code represents the path of your picture.The 3rd line indicates teh color ofthe text in the selected location.Complete list of html code colors can be obtained here.

+ Now save this file as DESKTOP.INI in the location(any drive or any folder) where you desire to set the background picture.

+ After setting it in your favourite location,close the drive and open the location again.

DONE !! .. your picture has been set as background picture for your desired location.

NOTE : Make sure that the extension in the path should be .jpg only and file should be saved as DESKTOP.INI only.


+ Open notepad and copy the following code :


+ Here, the 2nd line in the code represents the name of your picture.

+ Now save this file as DESKTOP.INI in the location(any drive or any folder) where you desire to set the background picture.And copy the picture too in the same location.You are DONE !!

Frnds ... SHARE your experiences in comments after performing this cool trick.Enjoy !!

Recover a Corrupted Windows XP

Many of you have seen the Blue Screen Windows Error which appears whenever happens something unexpectedly.This is known as Blue Screen of Death.It generally comes after encountering a critical system error which can cause the system to shut down to prevent damage.

Bluescreen errors can be caused by poorly written device drivers, faulty memory, a corrupt registry, an incompatible Dynamic-link library (DLL), or the computer overheating.

Many of them think that a serious problem has encountered to system and reinstall the XP.But Windows can be recovered into its original state by performing a little trick ,Disk Checkup.

Windows XP Installation CD is required for this trick.

Whenever a Bluescreen Error is encountered,follow the steps :

+ Restart your computer

+ Boot from your Windows XP installation CD

+ Press R to open the Windows XP Recovery Console

+ Type CHKDSK /R and press enter (wait until the whole recover/repair process is completed)

+ Type BOOTCFG to fix any problems in your boot.ini file

+ Restart your computer again and press/hold the F8 key

+ Select "Last Known Good Configuration" and press enter

Thats it .. !! Now Windows works perfectly..

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